Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Tooth Fairy Cometh!

 When our oldest son lost his first two teeth about a year ago it was time to decide how the Tooth Fairy would exist at our house. I remember talking to some of my friends about what they did and I couldn't believe how much money "she" paid some tooth-loosing children! Not only did "she" pay them for their teeth but sometimes she brought video games or other glamorous things!? I was shocked! Well, I quickly decided that our Tooth Fairy was not rich and that "she" would stick to a fairly traditional routine at our house. This is what we do:

When a tooth is lost it is placed under the child's pillow before he/she goes to bed. While they are sleeping she works her magic!

She, of course, takes the tooth and leaves $1 for each tooth lost and a Tooth Receipt.

The Tooth Receipt states the name of the child, how old the child is, when the tooth was lost, how the tooth came out, how much the child is paid, what tooth it is, and, of course, is signed by the Tooth Fairy.

The Tooth Fairy also leaves a trail of sparkles/fairy dust!

I like to sprinkle a little under the pillow, on the corner of the bed and on the floor.

It has been absolutely hilarious to see how delighted our son has been with this! Of course all he really wants is the money, but he loves the receipts and seems to be a little miffed with the mess of sparkles that is left behind!

(*I cannot take full credit for this idea. I did hop onto the Internet and googled "Tooth Fairy". A picture of this tooth receipt came up and I made my own handmade version. It's been so long that I cannot remember the exact source but thank you to whoever created it; it's been fabulous!)

Sorry about my pictures being sideways! I'll try not to do it again! : )

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